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Kategori: Netrunner OS (Side 3 af 3)

Netrunner OS beginner guide – install first program

How to install a program on Netrunner OS

Being a non teck person, I try to avoid the command line.

Therefore I will show how to install programmers in Netrunner using the program manager called Octopi.

First open Octopi. You will find it in the menu at the bottom left corner of your screen. Look for an Icon looking like a green Octopus or ghost.

When open you can go to the search bar and type the name of your program.

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Netrunner OS beginner guide – first update

How to update Netrunner OS

On the Netrunner homepage they have a note saying;

Bash fix:

To get the latest update for bash, please use the terminal for your first update (instead of octopi):
$ sudo rm -R /var/lib/pacman/local/bash-4.3.024-1
$ sudo pacman -Sy bas

This I could not get to work and my system kept telling me that there were 274 updates to be handled.

The Octopi (The software update manager) kept telling me;

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Netrunner OS beginner guide

Som tidligere beskrevet er jeg tiltalt af styresystemet Netrunner OS.

Har derfor valgt at installerer det på min bærbare pc i dual boot med Windows.

Jeg har tænkt mig at lave blog-indlæg på denne hjemmeside som guide til specielt nybegyndere der kunne have interesse i at stifte bekendtskab med Netrunner OS – alternativt andre Linux-baserede systemer.

Mine indlæg bliver skrevet på engelsk fremover, således at jeg kan nå ud til flere brugere og øve mig i de fremmede gloser…

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