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Kategori: Netrunner OS (Side 2 af 3)

Netrunner 15 (Prometheus)

So, I did it.

I have installed Netrunner 15 (Prometheus) on my home PC.

The installation went very well – I decided to format my whole drive. That was easy since I by now have done it a lot of times using Linux for 11 years.

My first impression of Netrunner 15 is that it is a very cool looking and well behaving distribution. Although it is somewhat slow booting, and the login screen by default is very ugly.

Mental note: I must see to get around to changing the login screen.

The software already installed is chosen well, and the Moun installer of further software is working just fine.

I had some problems with some of the software I wanted to install, but more about that in the tutorials I am planning to write.

Therefore I have changed into English, so more people can benefit from my experience.

But as of now, I am very satisfied with what I have seen.

Test af Netrunner 15

Har i flere omgange lagt en skive i min pc med den nye udgave af Netrunner (15), og leget lidt med det i live-udgaven.

Netrunners hjemmesiden kan nås her.

Jeg er meget imponeret. Ser hammer godt ud, kører godt og har mange af de programmer jeg ville lægge ind med fra start.

snapshot1Ovenfor kan ses et billede at min desktop.

Netrunner 15 skulle være Netrunners første forsøg med plasma 5. Der må jeg nok tilstå, at jeg er så ny i KDE-brugerfladen, at jeg ikke kan se eller mærke den store forskeld til Plasma 4.

Skulle ikke undre mig om jeg en dag i nærmeste fremtid pludselig havde lagte Netrunner 15 ind som mit nye styresystem.

Andre synes også godt om systemet – se f.eks mere her.



Mere Netrunner, nu 14.1 KDE

Har leget lidt med Netrunner 14.1 fra en Live-CD

Der er tale om en distro baseret på Kubuntu, hvilket vil sige med KDE, hvor folkene bag Netrunner blandt andet har lagt vægt på udsende og brugervenlighed.

Og jeg må sige jeg er meget imponeret.

Har jo tidligere leget med Netrunner Rolling, der er baseret på Arch og måske var lige i overkanten til mine evner.

Netrunner 14.1 der imod er lige til at gå til for en på mit niveau som Linux-bruger.

Synes Netrunner ser enormt godt ud, og jeg overvejer kraftigt at lægge det på min pc i stedet for Kubuntu, som jeg ikke har været helt tilfreds med.

Der skal godt nok ændres lidt på hvilke programmer der er installeret, men sådan noget som tilgang til min NAS virkede out of the box, hvilket er en begivenhed i sig selv.


Netrunner – plasma error

How to fix Plasma Desktop Shell error.

Was starting to get this errorSkærmprint inden20

When pressing OK, the desktop went into some kind of safemode. All worked, but I could not close or restart my laptop.

So I went to get help from my frind Google, and found out that it could be a problem with my temp-files.

The way to solve the problem is to open the filemanager Dolphin and navigate to Root>var>temp>  and then open the file called “kdecashe-your username”.

Then I selected all and pressed Delete, and hold my breath.

Nothing happend, and now my laptop is working again.

Netrunner OS beginner guide – Running Windows in VirtualBox

How to run Windows 7 in Netrunner OS by using VirtualBox.

My laptop is set up as a dual-boot machine where I can choose between Windows 7 and Netrunner.

But I have long been tired of my Windows installation, and wanted to get rid of it. But there is some software, which I need Windows for.

Therefore I wanted to try to set Windows up in a Virtual machine inside my Linux.

Here is how I did it.

First I have to install Oracle VM VirtualBox. This software I could find in Netrunner software manager called Octopi.

When I had installed this, the real challenge started.

I chose to run Oracle VM VirtualBox, and found a tutorial on the net of how to make Windows 7 run.

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Netrunner OS beginner guide – Backup/restore Thunderbird

How to backup and restore Thunderbird in Netrunner OS.

If you want to backup your settings and mails in Thunderbird, there is as such no function to do that in the program.

What you have to du is find the Thunderbird folder in your filesystem and just copy it.

Open Dolphin (The filemanager) and go to the Home-folder on the left side of the screen. Make sure to enable Show hidden files and look for the folder named.thunderbird.

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Netrunner OS beginner guide – install Dropbox

How to install Dropbox in Netrunner OS

I wanted to install Dropbox.

First I went to the homepage of Dropbox and tried to follow their way in the terminal.

But the installation was incomplete.

So I made a search on the internet and found this.

Click on the arrow in the left bottom of the screen. Click on the Green ghost/Octopus and the program manager Octopi opens.

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Netrunner OS beginner guide – install add-ons in Firefox

How to install add-ons in Firefox on Netrunner OS

When I am browsing the internet I am using the default brower in Netrunner. It is called Firefox.

But all the advertisement is sloving the process down when loading a page.

And I like to decide if Flash is running or not.

Therefor I recommed you to installe some extensions to Firefox.

You can debate wether an ad-blocker if fair (the ads contribute to paying for many pages), but I like it.

If you want to install an extension, you open Firefox.

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