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Netrunner 15 – Garmin og Linux

Got a Garmin Forerunner 110 watch I use when running.

After I started to use Linux instead of Windows, I have had a problem with updating the software in the watch. And I could not make the watch to auto-download my training.

The Firefox plug-in is no longer working, and I have found no other way to update software and auto-download my training.

But now, due to my dealings with VM Virtual Box and running Windows inside my Linux system, I had made it happen.

I can now use the Garmin Forerunner with Linux.

How to do it – First follow my tutorial of how to run Windows on a Linux PC. More here.

The follow my tutorial of how to enable USB connection in VM Virtual Box. More here.

And that is pretty much that. From here you just do what you would do on a normal Windows PC, and log in to Garmin Connect and then download some software.

Netrunner 15 – How to use USB in VM VirtualBox

Having installed Windows7 on a virtual machine in the program VM VirtualBox, I ended up with some files on my Windows7 machine that I wanted to put on a USB drive.

But my Virtual machine did not have connection to the USB drive I plugged into my host-machine.

I did a lot of searching on the web and found out that I was missing an extension pack to VirtualBox.

I was running VirtualBox 4.3.18. and found Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack 4.3.26. here.

I followed the guide on Virtualbox.org, but still could not make the USB connect to Windows.

I posted my problem on forums.virtualbox.org, and found out that I was to run the following in the terminal in Netrunner15;

sudo usermod -aG vboxusers <your username>

I did that, and made a reboot of my PC. And then it worked. Very nice. I now have my files on my USB-drive.

Netrunner 15 – How to install Tor Browser

Had some problems with installing the Tor Browser for anonymous browsing.

So my advice is in this case not to use the Muon installer, but do the following.

Open the program menu in the left bottom side of the screen. Choose System and open the Terminal called Konsole.

Here you first copy the following text and right click on the white square and select Paste.


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/tor-browser

Then you pres enter. You are ask for your password and ad one time you must  press Enter.

When the Terminal is done running, you Copy/Paste

sudo apt-get update

And presses Enter and wait a little.

The Copy/Paste

sudo apt-get install tor-browser

and press Enter.

And that is that – you now has the Tor Browser in the program menu.

See under Internet.


If you want to remove just Copy/Paste

sudo apt-get remove tor-browser

Netrunner 15 – How to watch Netflix

Open your browser and search for Google Chrome. Chose the official homepage.

Choose Download for Personal Computers.

You will here see a blue button called Download Chrome (For Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora/OpenSUSE).

Click on the button.

Then choose either 32 or 64 bit depending of the type of your PC. Most never PC’s are running 64 bit.

The Netrunner 15 is build on a base of Ubuntu, so I choose;

64 bit.deb for Debian/Ubuntu

The press on the button Accept and install and just follow the instructions.

Now the Browser is in the Program Menu under Internet.

Open the browser and go to Netlix, and you are up and running.

Netrunner 15 – How to install Spotify

Open the terminal called Konsole. You find it in the left bottom corner of the screen. You open the Programm Menu and go to System, there you should find Konsole.

snapshot1You copy the followering

sudo apt-key adv –keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 –recv-keys 94558F59

And right click on the little white square and choose Paste.

Press Enter, and give your password.

The Copy/Paste

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install spotify-client

and press Enter.

Now Spotify should be in your Programm Menu under Multimedia.


Netrunner 15 (Prometheus)

So, I did it.

I have installed Netrunner 15 (Prometheus) on my home PC.

The installation went very well – I decided to format my whole drive. That was easy since I by now have done it a lot of times using Linux for 11 years.

My first impression of Netrunner 15 is that it is a very cool looking and well behaving distribution. Although it is somewhat slow booting, and the login screen by default is very ugly.

Mental note: I must see to get around to changing the login screen.

The software already installed is chosen well, and the Moun installer of further software is working just fine.

I had some problems with some of the software I wanted to install, but more about that in the tutorials I am planning to write.

Therefore I have changed into English, so more people can benefit from my experience.

But as of now, I am very satisfied with what I have seen.

Test af Netrunner 15

Har i flere omgange lagt en skive i min pc med den nye udgave af Netrunner (15), og leget lidt med det i live-udgaven.

Netrunners hjemmesiden kan nås her.

Jeg er meget imponeret. Ser hammer godt ud, kører godt og har mange af de programmer jeg ville lægge ind med fra start.

snapshot1Ovenfor kan ses et billede at min desktop.

Netrunner 15 skulle være Netrunners første forsøg med plasma 5. Der må jeg nok tilstå, at jeg er så ny i KDE-brugerfladen, at jeg ikke kan se eller mærke den store forskeld til Plasma 4.

Skulle ikke undre mig om jeg en dag i nærmeste fremtid pludselig havde lagte Netrunner 15 ind som mit nye styresystem.

Andre synes også godt om systemet – se f.eks mere her.



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