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Netrunner OS beginner guide – install Dropbox

How to install Dropbox in Netrunner OS

I wanted to install Dropbox.

First I went to the homepage of Dropbox and tried to follow their way in the terminal.

But the installation was incomplete.

So I made a search on the internet and found this.

Click on the arrow in the left bottom of the screen. Click on the Green ghost/Octopus and the program manager Octopi opens.

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Mere fra Tudor

Så er der et nyt drømmeur på min liste over drømmeure. Dette er fra et af de fedeste urmærker pt.

Denne gang er det et Tudor Pelagos.

Watch and enjoy.


Netrunner OS beginner guide – install add-ons in Firefox

How to install add-ons in Firefox on Netrunner OS

When I am browsing the internet I am using the default brower in Netrunner. It is called Firefox.

But all the advertisement is sloving the process down when loading a page.

And I like to decide if Flash is running or not.

Therefor I recommed you to installe some extensions to Firefox.

You can debate wether an ad-blocker if fair (the ads contribute to paying for many pages), but I like it.

If you want to install an extension, you open Firefox.

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Bryan Adams

Har lyttet til albummet Tracks Of My Years.

Bryan adams

Må indrømme at jeg ikke er specielt imponeret. Det er en masse gamle numre af andre kunstnere som Bryan Adams har genindspillet.

Minder mest af alt om en cd jeg engang havde der hed 52 soul hits.

Problemet er, at jeg hellere vil hører sangene med de originale kunstnere.

Enkelte nummer formår Bryan Adams at gøre ok spænende, men der er langt imellem.

Så vil jeg godt nok hellere hører noget af hans tidligere musik eller hans senere akustiske udgivelser.

Netrunner OS beginner guide – install first program

How to install a program on Netrunner OS

Being a non teck person, I try to avoid the command line.

Therefore I will show how to install programmers in Netrunner using the program manager called Octopi.

First open Octopi. You will find it in the menu at the bottom left corner of your screen. Look for an Icon looking like a green Octopus or ghost.

When open you can go to the search bar and type the name of your program.

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Har prøvet at lytte til musik via Deezer.com.

Er meget nem at logge ind til, da det bare er et at give sin Facebook-profil.

Har valgt gratis-udgaven.

SYnes måske nok brugerfladen og de numre der bliver udvalgt til mig virker meget hitliste-agtigt.

Men søgning på ordentlige kunstner giver ganske udemærkede resulater.

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Netrunner OS beginner guide – first update

How to update Netrunner OS

On the Netrunner homepage they have a note saying;

Bash fix:

To get the latest update for bash, please use the terminal for your first update (instead of octopi):
$ sudo rm -R /var/lib/pacman/local/bash-4.3.024-1
$ sudo pacman -Sy bas

This I could not get to work and my system kept telling me that there were 274 updates to be handled.

The Octopi (The software update manager) kept telling me;

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