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Mere Rebus

Har læst endnu en Ian Rankin bog om Inspektor Rebus. Politimanden der drikker mere end de fleste

c4a62bb63b4d0018e9936961f515644cDenne gang er der Fleshmarket Close.

I denne dog bliver Ian Rankin mere storpolitisk og tager Skotlands behandling af asylansøgere og flytninge under behandling.

Som altid en god gang spænding fra start til slut.

Netrunner 15 – Encrypted mail

I read an article about encrypted mail, written by The GNU-foundation. Explaining, how a mail is an open postcard, but if you encrypt it, it is like sending snail mail in an envelope.

They talked about using something called GnuPG – more here.

So I wanted to try it out.

What you do to install it is open your mail – in my case Mozilla Thunderbird-mail program.

You must find your add-ons and search for something called Enigmail.

You install it, and reboot, and then follow the directions.

So in theory, I now got encrypted mail.

Wonder how to check it?

Big sky

Lang tid siden vi har haft lidt god musik.

Genhørte lige lidt Runrig i dag.

Big Sky

Fra deres 30-års jubilæum.

The light is on me
All time is here
I’m going down to Clachan
To stem the rush of years
Big sky above me
Powerlines overhead
I get lifted up enraptured
I keep falling at your feet
I’m looking over colour fields
Past the white sands
And our human years
And it’s all waiting here
Breaking the seed
Læs mere

Netrunner 15 – Garmin og Linux

Got a Garmin Forerunner 110 watch I use when running.

After I started to use Linux instead of Windows, I have had a problem with updating the software in the watch. And I could not make the watch to auto-download my training.

The Firefox plug-in is no longer working, and I have found no other way to update software and auto-download my training.

But now, due to my dealings with VM Virtual Box and running Windows inside my Linux system, I had made it happen.

I can now use the Garmin Forerunner with Linux.

How to do it – First follow my tutorial of how to run Windows on a Linux PC. More here.

The follow my tutorial of how to enable USB connection in VM Virtual Box. More here.

And that is pretty much that. From here you just do what you would do on a normal Windows PC, and log in to Garmin Connect and then download some software.

Netrunner 15 – How to use USB in VM VirtualBox

Having installed Windows7 on a virtual machine in the program VM VirtualBox, I ended up with some files on my Windows7 machine that I wanted to put on a USB drive.

But my Virtual machine did not have connection to the USB drive I plugged into my host-machine.

I did a lot of searching on the web and found out that I was missing an extension pack to VirtualBox.

I was running VirtualBox 4.3.18. and found Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack 4.3.26. here.

I followed the guide on Virtualbox.org, but still could not make the USB connect to Windows.

I posted my problem on forums.virtualbox.org, and found out that I was to run the following in the terminal in Netrunner15;

sudo usermod -aG vboxusers <your username>

I did that, and made a reboot of my PC. And then it worked. Very nice. I now have my files on my USB-drive.

A Question of Blood

Så fik jeg læst endnu en af Ian Rankin’s bøger. Igen en Rebus krimierne.


I denne bog er der lidt mere drama og action, og som altid er det en god gang spænding og underholdning.

Bogen er bygget klassisk op. En masse tilsyneladende uafhængige episoder går til sidst op i en højere enhed.

Ikke en af de bedset Rebus’bøger, men god læsning.

Netrunner 15 – How to install Tor Browser

Had some problems with installing the Tor Browser for anonymous browsing.

So my advice is in this case not to use the Muon installer, but do the following.

Open the program menu in the left bottom side of the screen. Choose System and open the Terminal called Konsole.

Here you first copy the following text and right click on the white square and select Paste.


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/tor-browser

Then you pres enter. You are ask for your password and ad one time you must  press Enter.

When the Terminal is done running, you Copy/Paste

sudo apt-get update

And presses Enter and wait a little.

The Copy/Paste

sudo apt-get install tor-browser

and press Enter.

And that is that – you now has the Tor Browser in the program menu.

See under Internet.


If you want to remove just Copy/Paste

sudo apt-get remove tor-browser

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